The change from good health to ill health can be rapid. Patients and vulnerable loved ones need our vigilance to enjoy a good quality of life. However, we can’t always be there and sometimes expert help is far away.
Lookinglass is an eternally vigilant Smart Mirror able to detect changes in health, fitness and wellbeing. Using machine learning and computer vision processes, our platform identifies traits and changes in a family member or patient as they go about their normal daily routine.
We believe everyone is entitled to high quality healthcare at home and without compromising personal privacy.
We're creating the world’s first hyperspectral Smart Mirror to keep grandad safe.
Lookinglass observes and then connects healthcare experts to grandad in his home and ensures he receives the best possible care when he needs it.
Lookinglass is smart enough not to overburden healthcare providers and only shares grandad’s information with the people he trusts the most.
Lookinglass was founded by Simon Cullen in May, 2018. The enterprise was born from a mission to alleviate his grandmother’s growing and unaddressed fear of having dementia. Simon aimed to create something that would be easy to use and mimic standard tests. After a lot of experiments, the Smart Mirror emerged as the best way to engage Simon’s grandmother in a daily routine and give her peace of mind. Since then the Mirror has captured the imagination of researchers, health professionals and loved ones on a variety of missions from all over the world.
A Smart Mirror is similar to a regular mirror with the added benefit it overlays an interactive computer display on the reflection of you standing in front of it. The Lookinglass Mirror also integrates a camera to track your movement and other visual properties.
The camera integrated in the Lookinglass Mirror is called a snapshot hyperspectral imager. This type of camera can see many more colors than humans can see. We are developing a new low-cost imager so Lookinglass can track movement more accurately and see usually invisible properties of skin, hair, fingernails and eyes.
Lookinglass creates and operates trustworthy cyber-physical systems for healthcare, entertainment and tourism.
The Lookinglass Mirror does not and is not intended to diagnose, monitor, predict, treat or prevent any disease or medical condition and does not replace or modify anatomy or any physiological process.
Lookinglass software detects traits and changes in health, fitness and wellbeing for the purposes of enabling telehealth communication, user coaching, user surveys, user accessibility, user engagement, cybersecurity, information integrity, information authenticity, identity verification, entertainment, user management of existing non-serious health conditions, user management of electronic health records and improving the general health and wellbeing of our users.
Your provider will install trusted applications on your Mirror which can evaluate your health and wellbeing. Think of them like apps for your phone. These apps will notify your provider when a trait or change is observed by the Mirror. They can then video call you and use their own judgement to decide on your care needs. Lookinglass is accessible to people of diverse abilities. The Mirror also makes sure only your provider receives notifications, information is authentic and only about you.
Since Feb 2021, software in Australia can be considered a medical device and may be regulated by the TGA. Lookinglass supports a mix of regulated and unregulated health, fitness and lifestyle trusted applications. We expect most regulated apps will be classed 1 or 2a. Other apps may only be available abroad. Please connect with us below for guidance with other jurisdictions.
Mutiny Games is a team of game developers working within Lookinglass. The team is creating interactive media, video games and development tools for the Smart Mirror and other platforms. They produce personal experiences for under-represented audiences and for people with diverse abilities. Such as, LGBTQIA+ audiences or players aged 65+.
Games are isolated from trusted applications on the Lookinglass Mirror and generally not regulated within Australia by the TGA. They aim to engage and entertain while you're being evaluated for traits and changes. Applications may provide feedback to an active game to personalise your experience. Please connect with us below for guidance with other jurisdictions.
Lookinglass was conceptualised and then first seen during the Hybrid World Lab as part of the Hybrid World Conference in Adelaide during 2018. The enterprise was pitched at Pause Fest and other technology events. Additionally, Lookinglass has been demonstrated to live audiences and the subject of articles on both general and medical news websites.
Lookinglass Inc. has team members working from the United States, Australia, Stuttgart and Tokyo.
Want to learn more about Lookinglass or get a demo? From products to platform to people, we’re happy to connect.